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What to expect at a comprehensive eye exam

Eye exams can help catch eye diseases early - increasing your chances of maintaining good eye health for all stages of life.

How often should you get an eye exam?

Age Frequency*
Birth-24 months At 6 months of age
2-5 years old At 3 years of age
6-18 years old Before first grade,
and every year after that
18 and older Annually

*Dependent upon risk and doctor recommendation.


What can you expect at a comprehensive eye exam?

When you check in at your appointment, show the front desk your Surency Vision ID Card to access your vision benefits - this should have been mailed to you, but you can also access this on the Surency Vision Mobile App or your online Member Account. The eye doctor will then take you through a series of tests to check your eye's health. Below is a list of some things they might check for:

Patient History: Your eye doctor will want to look at your overall health and any eye/vision problems.

Visual Acuity: This is the reading chart test to measure how clear your eyes are seeing (normal visual acuity is 20/20).

Preliminary Tests: Looking at depth perception, how you see color, your side vision, and more.

Keratomy: Measures the curvature of your lens (important for contact lens fitting).

Refraction: Determines your appropriate lens power that allows for your clearest vision.

Eye Movement Test: Checks for healthy eye movement, focusing, and how well your eyes work together.

Eye Health Evaluation: Measures eye pressure and takes a close look at both the inside and outside of your eye.

Supplemental Tests: Any additional testing needed based on the results at your appointment.


Comprehensive eye exams are covered under most Surency Vision plans - schedule an appointment with an in-network provider today!

Locate a Surency Vision provider near you.


Source: American Optometric Association, EyeMed, American Academy of Ophthalmology