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The Importance of Adult Eye Exams

Adults ages 20-40 

Individuals in this stage of life don’t often experience significant eye changes. Lens and contact prescriptions may need slight tweaks but as a whole, refractive errors (near- and farsightedness) do not change much. To keep your eyes healthy, exercise regularly – it stimulates blood circulation and oxygen intake, both of which are good for your eyes. Also, refrain from smoking and get enough sleep. While you sleep, your eyes are continually lubricated, removing dust, allergens and other irritants. Visit your eye care provider annually for a full eye health and refractive error evaluation. 

Adults ages 40-60 

As 40 approaches and beyond, the American Academy of Ophthalmology states that nearly everyone will experience presbyopia. This condition occurs as the eye lens becomes less flexible, which makes it more difficult to read or do other close-up activities. It’s important to visit your eye care provider annually for a comprehensive evaluation. Doing so allows your provider to take appropriate measures to correct your vision. Without changes, eye fatigue and headaches may occur.

With age comes increased risk for serious eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts. Diabetes can also affect vision and should be closely monitored. The on-set of these conditions do not have glaring warning signs but their presence can be identified during a comprehensive vision exam.

Protect your sight at any age. See your eye care provider annually. 

Click here to locate a SURENCY VISION provider near you, or call 866.818.8805. 

Surency Life & Health Insurance Company administers Surency Vision, your vision insurance coverage. 

Source: American Academy of Ophthalmology Surency © 2018